Factory Service Manuals with Schematics:
Firestone Air Chief Factory Service Manuals & Schematics

 | Firestone Air Chief Radio & TV Schematics
These are schematics and factory service information scanned in high resolution directly from the original Firestone/Air Chief Radio and TV Factory Service Manuals
and supplements. These service manuals with schematics are generally two to three pages or more depending on the model. Record changer service manuals must be ordered separately. Firestone Air Chief TV service manuals are listed below the radio manuals.
For Firestone Air Chief models not listed below see the the Firestone Air Chief schematics only section.
If your model or chassis is still not listed contact me for availability.
It normally takes up to 24 hours to receive the download instructions via email but please allow 1 - 2 business days.

Firestone Air Chief Radio and Phonograph Original Factory Service Files
Download Copy Only $9.50
Firestone Air Chief Television Original TV Factory Service Files
Download Copy Only $12.95
Firestone Air Chief Radio Models/Chassis Available:
4-A-17 (Radio)
4-A-17 Record Changer
4-A-27 Cameo
4-A-61 Cameo
4-B-1 Supreme
4-B-61 (1951 Chevorlet)
4-C-21 Portable
4-C-3 Portable
4-C-6 Portable
Not Listed? Check Here
Firestone Air Chief Television Models/Chassis Available:
13-G-107 (TV)
13-G-108 (TV)
13-G-109 (TV)
13-G-109A (TV)
13-G-110 (tv)
13-G-114 (TV)
13-G-114a (TV)
13-G-117 (TV)
13-G-122 (TV)
13-G-57 (TV)
13-G-58 (TV)
13-G-59 (TV)
13-G-79 (TV)
Order on line now. Credit Cards and PayPal accepted.

The files offered here are digitized in high resolution from the original factory service documents. I stock over 500,000 schematics for hundreds of manufacturers.
Each radio schematic is digitized individually and checked to provide the clearest diagram possible from the original printing.
The data and files offered here are from vintage sources that are no longer published. There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any information offered. It is solely up to the
end user to decide that the information and files offered here are accurate and fit for use with their equipment. I am not responsible for any loss or damages that may be incurred from the
use of this information.